Many of the clan associations in Kuching is Hakka related. The earliest is the “Kaying Community Association” established by FIVE clans. The five clans denote the Mei Xian, Jiao Ling, Xing Ning, Ping Yuan and Wu Hua counties. All of them are Hakka dialect counties in Guan Dong province of China. The Kaying association was established in 1874 with its earliest office at a wooden factory. The association then relocated its office to shop no. 52 of Carpenter Street in 1885 and named it as “Jing Foh Guan”.

In 1918, the Kaying Association operated a school by the name of Gong Ming School at its office premise. The school then merged with Tai Tung School belonging to the Taipu Association to form Jat Kong School under the management of Sarawak Hakka Association. After the war, Jat Kong School became Kuching Chung Hua Primary School No. 4



古晋多个以客家人为主的乡团中,成立最早的是“嘉应五属同乡会”。所谓“五属”,指的是梅县、蕉岭、兴宁、平远与五华,在广东省是纯客家县份,移民海外为数极众。其实早在1874年,嘉应五属同乡会就已宣告成立,最初以一工厂木屋一隅为会所。 到了1885年,以亚答街52号店铺作为会所,并命名“应和馆”。


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