KOB Heritage

007 Mr. Tan Boon Siew
Tan Boon Siew was a Hokkien merchant who came to prominence in the early 20th century. He served as a magistrate of...
006 Tan Sri Datuk Amar Stephen Yong Kuet Tze
Stephen Yong Kuet Tze was born in 1921 in the Simunjan district in Samarahan and educated at Tai Tung School (the...
005 Kwong Lee Bank
Founded by Cantonese brothers Lam Tee Chew (林子昭) and Lam Song Khee (林崧祺), Kwong Lee Bank was one of the earliest...
004 Mr. Song Kheng Hai
In the early 20th century, a Hokkien merchant by the name of Song Kheng Hai had his moment in the sun in Old Kuching....
003 Main Bazaar
Kuching Old Bazaar was a very typical business district where the Chinese traders, Malay, Dayak and European customers...
002 Kuching Hockien Association
The Kuching Hockien Association has its roots in the Hong San Si Temple. In 1871 the Hockien Kongsi (福建公司) grew out of...
001 Tua Pek Kong Temple
Situated in the midst of the city’s bustle, Tua Pek Kong Temple is one of the major landmarks of Kuching. The...