KOB Heritage

025 Tai Poo Association
The Tai Poo peoples from Cha Yang town arrived in Kuching at the beginning of the 20th century. They were mainly...
024 Hin Ho Bio
Around 1840 there were a small number of Hainanese in Carpenter Street and China Street. In 1878, Hin Ho Bio was...
023 Century-Old Business Juat Siang
Around 1915, a newly married Hainanese, Lee Juat Siang left his wife and family to look for business opportunity in...
022 Ann Lee Restaurant
Around 1920s, Hainanese Lee Seng Shen travelled across the sea to Kuching. He first help in a shop operated by one of...
021 Kiew Family Taipu Jam Mian
In the 1920s, a 16 years old Kiew Shao Ngap who originate from Baihou Town, Taipu Guang Dong arrived in Kuching alone...
020 Upper China Street
Upper China Street is a continuation of China Street. Until 1993, this was a dead-end street with a hill slope at the...
019 China Street
Among the streets of Kuching Old Bazaar, China Street is also called as ‘Middle Street’ (中街). The reason is not truly...
018 Mr. Law Kian Huat Family
A Teochew from Guandong Chao Ann district. Law Kian Huat arrived in Kuching during the reign of the first Rajah in...
017 Wharf and Port Labourers Building
In the late 19th century, cargo ships between Kuching and Singapore formed Sarawak’s main connection to the wider...